Effects of teaching language on students performance in mathematics in ordinary level in Dodoma municipal

In this chapter as researchers we shall discuss about the back ground of the problem, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, general objectives, specific objectives, research questions, and hypothesis of the study, significance of the study, scope and delimitation of the study as well as operational definitions of the terms.

1.2: Background of the problem

The role of teaching language play a vital role in teaching and learning since the failure of effective use of teaching language particularly mathematics may hinder the effectiveness of teaching and learning process as the results lead to either poor performance or good performance of students. National council of teachers of mathematics (2000).Views communication skills that include reading, writing, listening, and speaking as essential parts of mathematics and mathematics education. Students have to learn and understand mathematics concepts through a language in making use of correct vocabulary as they make mathematical investigation, interpretation and generate conclusion.

According to Yew, (2008) as cited in Noraini (2006), "concepts are learned by learners through experience with language used in discussion and teaching aid which facilitates conceptual development". Clearly, one of the major issues that students faced in learning mathematics are related to an inadequate grasp of the language of instruction that plays such an important role in the students' development of conceptual understanding. 

To demonstrate understanding of mathematics, students must be able to explain the mathematical concepts using the correct mathematical terms Example. Parabola, denominator vocabulary, translation and obtuse. Hence, students who are learning mathematics with a language background other than the language of instruction such as English will face tremendous difficulty in comprehending the textbooks, teaching aids and discussions in an unfamiliar language.

According to Yew, (2008) as cited in Nordin (2005) study on lower secondary student's perception regarding the teaching of mathematics in English, most students find that learning mathematics in English is difficult because they are not used to the English language to understand mathematical concepts. Besides that, many students especially rural students have not yet mastered the basic and essential skill that is reading in English. Hence, during their learning of the mathematics concepts using real life problems, many of them experience a great difficulty in the comprehension of mathematical ideas and problems that are presented by the teacher as well as the textbook in English.

1.3: Statement of the problem

Most of the countries in the world especially Tanzania poor performance of the students in mathematics especially in ordinary level seem to be a continuous process. Students keep on poor performance but many researches have been done by different scholars but the problem still existing. Some of the scholars who described this are as follows:

Kitta, (2004). Explained the major problem in Tanzania that mathematics performance is the quality of the mathematics teachers. A shortage of qualified teachers results to the employment of unqualified teachers such as ex-form six learners to teach. More over the qualified teachers have significant problem due to poor teaching preparation they received in college. Many of them lack knowledge to teach the subject matter and how to teach the subject matter effectively.

Reborn, (1995).Said that for students who are acquiring a language of instruction as well as learning mathematics in the new language. The language of mathematics is another source of difficult and confusion. Mathematics terminologies are often complex and the words used these are endowed with meaning which in most use are completely different from their normal usage. For example the words like root, similar, power and odd have different meaning since from the usual meanings when used in mathematics. Sometimes may be difficult even for students who are not bilingual which meaning of odd is intended in a problem. Odd as something peculiar or odd as in number that is not divisible by two teachers and language of mathematical terminologies. Therefore the researchers have not yet discussed on the competence on using language of instructions especially in mathematics. 

1.4: Purpose of the study

The purpose of the study will be to investigate how teaching language affect performance of the students in mathematics in ordinary level schools especially in Dodoma municipal.

1.5: General objective of the study

The general purpose of this study is to understand the effects of teaching language on students performance in mathematics in ordinary level schools in Dodoma municipal.

1.6: Specific objectives of the study.

- Will be to explain how the failure of the teacher to have an effective use of teaching language affects performance in mathematics.

- Will be to identify what makes students failure to understand the language of instructions during the teaching and learning process.

- Will be to examine other factors such as interactions, learning environment and school infrastructure contribute to student performance in mathematics.

1.7: Research Questions

The study will be guided by the followings major questions;

- Are the teachers competent in teaching language in Dodoma municipal?

- What are the effects of lack of fluency in using teaching language towards student performance in mathematics?

- How do other factors such as learning environment, subject mastering, quality pedagogy, quality classroom management, teaching and learning materials and school infrastructure contribute to student poor performance in mathematics?

1.8: Hypothesis of the study

- Is there any relationship between subject mastering on students performance in mathematics?

- Is there any significance relationship between teaching methodologies on student’s performance in mathematics?

- Is there any relationship between teacher’s competence in using teaching language on students performance in mathematics?

- Is there any significant relationship between classroom management and students performance?

- Is there any correlation on poor foundation of students in mathematics from primary school towards students performance in mathematics?

- Is there any significant correspondence between self efforts on  students performance in mathematics?

- Is there any correlation between failure to understand mathematical terminologies on students performance?

1.9: Significance of the study

- It will enable stakeholders in emphasizing teachers towards the improvement of teaching methodologies.

- It will help the government to provide extra training to teachers concern. For example workshops and seminars.

- It will enhance students performance if all discussed problems will be solved by the educational stakeholders.

- It will give opportunity for other researchers to research more on the particular problem and come up with concrete conclusion.

- It will enable students to have positive perceptions towards mathematics


2.1: Introduction

In the previous chapter as researchers we have discussed about the background, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, objectives of the study,  research questions, hypothesis, significance of the study, scopes and delimitation of the study and operational definitions of terms. The chapter in hand we will discuss about the theoretical frame work of the study, literature review at global level, literature review in Africa, and conceptual framework of the study.

2.2: Theoretical framework

This study will be guided by the theory of Vygostky’s which is social constructivism. He believed that knowledge is socially constructed that is knowledge is build upon what participants contribute and construct together. Social interaction, cultural tools and activities shape individual development and learning. Vygostsky also believed that cultural tools including printing presses, rulers along with tools we would add today such as, computers, internet and symbolic tools such as numbers and mathematical systems Braille and sign language, maps, works of arts, signs ,codes and language. Play important role in cognitive domain. 

Vygostky emphasized that all higher order mental processes such as reasoning and problem solving are mediated by psychological tools such as language, signs and symbols. To him language is among of the key element for the children to acquire new knowledge especially the language which is familiar to them. Since language simplify interaction during teaching and learning process, if the language is familiar, learners and teachers it will motivate the learners to posse questions to the area which are not clear in the process of teaching and learning. Therefore to him language is very important for effective teaching and learning (Hoy, 2008).

2.3: Literature review.

Literature review in India

According to Yew, (2008)as cited in Noraini (2006), Students who are learning mathematics with a language background other than the language of instructions such as English will face tremendous difficult in comprehending the text books, teaching aids and discussion in unfamiliar language.

Literature review in Arabs

For students who are acquiring a language of instruction as well as learning mathematics in the new language, the language of mathematics is another source of difficulty and confusion. Mathematical terminology is often complex and the words used are endowed with meanings, which in most cases are completely different from their normal usage. For instance, the words: root, similar, power, and odd have a different sense from the usual meanings when used in mathematics. Sometimes it may be difficult, “even for students who are not bilingual, to determine which meaning of ‘odd’ is intended in a problem (odd as in something peculiar or odd as in numbers that are not divisible by two)” (Reborn, 1995).

Literature review in Tanzania

In Tanzania diploma teachers and unlicensed teachers have little training have been hired to teach ordinary level mathematics because of the great shortage of teachers (Osaki & Kitta, 2006). The unlicensed teachers who have little training they lack knowledge on how to implement knowledge through language use.

2.4: Knowledge Gape

Despite the facts that more researchers have conducted extensively studies on the factors which lead to poor performance of the students in mathematics especially in ordinary level is still going on. Most of researchers have found different factors which contribute to poor performance of students in ordinary level in mathematics such as: change of curriculum, shortage of qualified

2.5: Conceptual frame works 

The conceptual frame work of this study is based on the premise that good examination performance of students in mathematics subject is an upshot of the three category of variables namely: the independent variable, dependent variable and the intervening variable

- The independent variable in this study is the teaching language in which teachers use to communicate and instruct students.

- The dependent variable is students performance which is influenced by the effective use of teaching language

- Intervening variable includes teaching and learning materials, subject mastering, quality pedagogy, quality classroom management, school physical infrastructures and general school environment. 

The above explanation is presented diagrammatically here under

Figure: Conceptual framework on students’ performance

Source: Researchers


This chapter will involve the followings: research design, location of the study, target population, sample size and sampling techniques, methods of data collection, data analysis plan and references.

3.1: Research Design

Research design is the plan showing the approach and strategies of investigation aimed at obtaining relevant data which fulfill the research objectives and test the hypothesis(Kothari, 1990).

In this study the observation design will be used. It is verified that the observation design is used when collecting information by observing respondents and recording their attitudes, knowledge and opinions.

3.2: Location of the study. 

The research will be conducted in Dodoma municipal. The main reason for selecting this area is due to the maximum failure of ordinary level students in mathematics. The area is located in the central part of Dodoma region and it has got many schools both private and government schools.

3.4: Target population

Kombo et al,( 2006) defined population as a group of individuals objectives or items from which samples are taken for measurements. The population of our study will be ordinary level students and teachers in Dodoma municipal. The main reason for selecting this population is that it is very easy to reach them and it is very easy for them to provide real information.

3.5: Sample size.

Sample is a group of respondents drawn from a population in which the researcher is interested in collecting information and draw a conclusion (Goetz & Lecompte, 1984). The sample for this study will be 40 respondents, these will be from Dodoma municipal. This sample will be determined based on the reason that it is difficult to reach each and every school located in Dodoma municipal.

3.6: Sampling techniques.

According to Kothari, 2004, sampling techniques refers to a procedure the researcher will adopt in selecting the elements or items for the sample. The study will employ non probability sampling technique depending on the data. According to Komba et al, (2006)  some characteristics such as age, gender and level of education should be considered for reliability of the study when selecting a sample. It is also insisted that the research should focus on the right representatives, accessibility and knowledgeable students who can generate the precise information for the investigated topics. In this study the research will consider the above points in selecting the sample. 

In this non probability sampling the snowball sampling will be selected to conduct this study where the number of individuals are selected for example 40 respondents can be selected to represent others. Another sampling technique which will be selected is convenience sampling where researchers meets respondents accidentally and enable a researcher to obtain information. Lastly volunteer sampling will be used where respondents offer to participate, likewise where only willing or volunteering individuals are included in the study.

3.7: Methods of data collection.

The method which will be used in this study is primary method which includes interview, questionnaire and observation.

3.7.1: Interview.

This will enable researchers to collect data concerning respondents’ awareness, knowledge, opinions, attitudes and perceptions towards mathematics performance. Interview will be used in interviewing students in order to obtain information; this will serve as a principal method of gathering information pertaining to the research objectives. 


In this study questionnaire will be selected because it will administer and provide researchers with an opportunity to explain the purpose of the study as well as to clarify the meaning of items that may not be clear. Questionnaire will be used to teachers and students. However researchers will use open ended questionnaire and close ended questionnaire where by open ended questionnaire is where the researchers meets the respondents and ask questions where respondents have the wide have the wide chance of giving out answers according to their knowledge. The close ended questionnaire is the one that researchers give out questions which respondents choose one of the answers from the determined questions.

3.7.3: Observation.

This is a research technique that will involve systematic and accurate looking, watching, listening, and recording behaviors and characteristics of respondents. The technique will involve two types which are participant observation and non participant observation. This technique will be used to collect information to complete the data collect by other techniques.

3.8:Data analysis plan.

Data analysis refers to examining what has been collected in a survey or experiment and making deductions and inferences. It involves uncovering underlying structure; extracting important variables, detecting any anomalies and testing any underlying assumption. It involves scrutinizing the acquired information and making inferences (Kombo, 2006).The qualitative data analysis will be used because it involves intensive data collection over an extended period of time in a natural setting. Qualitative data such as finding out the views of respondents on a certain issue is not always computable by arithmetic relation. This approach will use interview, personal experiences, observation and we will use purposive sample on the other hand we shall use quantitative data analysis such as pie chart, graphs, micro soft excel. All these will be convenient in this approach.


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Goetz, C & Lecompte, M (1984). Ethnography and Qualitative Design in Educational Research. Orlando: Academic press                    

Hoy, W.K. & Miskel, C.G. (2008). Education Administration: Theory, Research and Practice 8th Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Company

Kitta, S (2004). Enhancing Mathematics Teachers Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Skills in Tanzania. Enschede: Print Partners

Kombo, D.K & Tromp, D.L.A (2006). Proposal and Thesis Writing: An Introduction. Nairobi: Pauline Publishers Africa

Kothari, C. R (1990). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. New Delhi: Wiley Eastern

Kothari, C.R (2004). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, (2nd Ed).New Delhi: New Age International Publishers. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), ( 2000). Principles and Standards for School Mathematics    

Osaki, K. M. & Kitta, S. (2006). Improving Classroom Skills in an Era of Expanding Secondary Education in Tanzania. UDOM: Sample Research Concepts Paper. 

Reborn, D.T. (1995). Mathematics for Students with Learning Disabilities from Language .Minority Backgrounds: Recommendations for Teaching. New York State Association for Bilingual Education Journal, 10, 25-33 

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