Factors influencing girls participation and perfomance in complemantary basic education (COBET) in Morogoro (case study Gairo district)
1.1 Background of the study
Is the light of provision quality and access of education to all children especially girl’s. Complementary basic education programme was introduced as a strategy for achieving education for all. The programme was in response in to the 1948 United Nations Charter and Declaration of human right in which article number 26 of the convention proclaimed education as a human right (Mushi, 2002).
COBET (Complementary Basic Education in Tanzania) is a programme within the basic education system in Tanzania, which aims to contribute to provisions of complementary basic education opportunities to out of school children, especially girls through increasing enrolment of girls in COBET classes (UNICEF 2006)
Provision of education for out of school children especially girls declared by international agencies in universal declaration of human right in 1948. International organization has deliberately reiterated the right of free primary education for all (EFA) basically it was stated the right of education to a child is basic and essential as any other basic human right. The problem of out of school children has been facing Tanzania for a long time regardless of commitment to universal primary education (UPE) since 1970s to date. In Tanzania the war against illiteracy has been on since independence in 1961. Efforts to achieve universal primary education (UPE) recorded significant quantities achievements during the late of 1970s and 1980s. Gross enrolment rate (GER) which was 35% in late of 1960s and early 1970’s grew appreciably to 98% in 1980(URT 2002). A various programme were established to fight against illiteracy such as the universal adult education (UAE) which intended to provide basic education to adults as well as universal primary education (UPE) in 1974 which aimed to provide access to primary education to all school age children (Nyato report 2005).
Nevertheless the government of Tanzania initiated the primary education development programme (PEDP) in 2001 to provide free and quality education with emphasis at improving level of education in the following areas; enrolment expansion, quality improvement, capacity building and institutional arrangement. PEDP is a one of the successful educational development programme in Tanzania, though the programme abolished school fees and hence there was an increase in the gross enrolment ratio. The government of Tanzania has made a great effort to recruit more teachers to accommodate enrolment increases. With the initiations of PEDP new classes were built and old schools were rehabilitated in order to cope with the increase number of pupils. PEDP is a programme designed to enhance ownership and partnership in basic education management and delivery at community level with objectives of ensuring that each child of school going age has access to quality basic education and avoiding gender disparities (BEST report 2007)
1.2 Statement of the problem
Since independence in 1961 the government of Tanzania has made several efforts to provide educational opportunities to girls as they were mostly affected by illiteracy. The COBET programme was meant to encourage girls all over Tanzania to take part in balancing priorities. However this goal seems to prove failure. For instant the enrolment of female COBET learners in Tanzania was lower to (49%) compared to that of male (54.1%) in 2011/2012 regardless the population of females being higher than that one of males (BEST 2012).
1.3 Purpose of the study
The study investigates the factors influencing girls’ participation and performance in the complementary basic education (COBET).
1.4 Specific objectives
More specifically the study intends to:-
i. To find out the context on which COBET programme was introduced.
ii. Asses the factors influencing girls participation, enrolment and attendance and performance in COBET classes.
Investigate strategies used in raise girls’ attendance, performance and reduce drop-out in COBET classes.
1.5 Research questions or hypothesis
The research will be guided by the following questions:-
i. What extent does COBET programme introduced and operate in Tanzania?
ii. What factors influencing girls’ participation, enrolment, attendance and performance of girls in COBET classes?
iii. What are the strategies to be employed to raise girls’ attendance, performance and reduce drop-out in COBET classes?
1.6 Significant of the study
This study aims to provide factors which influence the girls’ enrolment, attendance, drop-out and their performance in standard four national examinations in comparison to boys. This study will provide a framework for leadership and it will also generate new knowledge about girl’s participation in COBET programme.
This section includes literature review and theoretical framework
1.9 Conceptual Framework.
Conceptual framework is analysis of focus on the variables or parts of the study that shows relationship between components. This study will be guided by context, Inputs, Process and Product (CIPPT) model developed by Shill beam (1993).
CIPP approach involves a number of stages; first is context variable, which is used to assess the participation and performance of girls in COBET classes. For the purpose of the study there two types of environment namely internal and external. External environment is the situation of community where COBET programme operated to influence girl’s participation. Internal environmental refer to the existing relationship among teachers, learners, education managers and physical resources. The context of community, national policy and education goals and influence towards girls participation and performance in COBET classes.
In this study inputs comprises all kinds of resource which influence girl’s participation, attendance and performance. It includes location of classes, teaching and learning materials such as text books, chalks, exercise books and other facilities. Also inputs there should be professional trainer (teacher) and allocation of adequate funds from the government.
In the process component for the factors influencing girls participation in COBET classes includes teaching and learning methodologies, motivation, communication, coordinating and controls used for effectiveness to ensure that intended goals of providing basic education to all out of school children especially girls attained.
Products are feedback at different levels, at class level obtained through exercises, tests and examinations.
This chapter presents literature review related to the study. It focuses on introduction of COBET programme, importance of girl’s education, girls’ academic performance and studies undertaken in other countries and in Tanzania as well as gaps in the literature.
2.0 Introduction of COBET programme in Tanzania
Tanzania is committed to universal primary education (UPE) since the provision of basic education is the right of every child, according to the article 28, of the convention on the Right’s of the child. Efforts has been made compulsory and available free to all. Efforts have been demonstrated from a special programme COBET which was conceived by UNICEF in collaborations with the ministry of education and culture (MOEC).
2.1 Girls participation in education
Several authors reported the magnitude of out of school children especially girls as they observed. Global literature shows an increase in pupils enrolment primary education between 1999 and 2004 which grew by 27% in sub- Saharan Africa ( SSA) compared with (91%) in south and west Asia (UNICEF, 2005)
2.2 Gaps in the literature
Despite the fact that there are various studies and evaluation that has been carried out in and outside Tanzania in relation to COBET programme, most of these studies assessed the status of COBET in general and they have been done during the pilot study. For instance the study complied by Helgeson (2001) for Kisarawe and Masasi districts during the pilot study sought to find about the motives for sending girls and boys primary school and COBET; reason for poor participation, poor performance, drop-out and how girls and boys performed in primary and COBET.
The study by Galabawa (2002) established that there were few girls than boys in the out of school education programme including COBET.
This study will be about factors for girls’ participation and performance in the Complementary Basic Education (COBET) in Tanzania. The purpose of this particular study is exploration and investigating the contribution of extension phase of complementary basic education in Tanzania COBET on girls’ participation and performance. It seeks to find out the reason behind progress gap between boys and girls in the selected COBET centers.
The present study obtains to fill the gap by investigating effectiveness of COBET extension phase on girl’s participation and performance.
This chapter represents the research methodology that will be employed in collecting data for the study of girls’ participation and performance in COBET. It will describe the area of the study, research approach, research design, target population, the sample and sampling techniques. Furthermore it will describe data collection techniques.
2.3 Research design
Research design is the plan of showing the approach and strategies of investigation aimed at obtaining relevant data which fulfill the research the research objective and test the hypothesis (Kothari, 1990). In this study case study design will be used. A case study is selected because it will enable the researcher to get more information of information of the same culture.
2.4 Location of the study
This study will be conducted at Gairo district in Morogoro region where there are COBET centers. The study will be conducted in two wards where the one is located at urban area and the other is at rural area.
2.5 Targeted population
Population is the group of individuals who have one or more characteristics in a common that of interests (Best & khan, 1998). The population of this study involves District Educational Officers, COBET center coordinators, teachers, COBET learners and parents/guardians especially of girls who dropped out from COBET centers.
2.6 Sample size and sampling technique
A sample is a small group of respondents from the population in which the researcher is interested in gaining information and drawing conclusion (Charles, 1995). The sample for this study will comprise the total number of 50 respondents from COBET centers in the two wards one from the urban and one from rural.
Sampling technique refers to the process of selecting the participants of the study to form a sample from the population. The study basically will employ stratified sampling technique to ensure that each stratum got representatives. Simple random technique will be used during selection of COBET centers.
2.7 Methods of data collection
No single method or instrument was considered adequate in itself in collecting valid and reliable data (Kothari, 1985). The choice of data collection method depends on how they can serve the purpose of the study. Method that will be used in the data gathering process, includes semi structured interviews, questionnaire, observation and documentary reviews.
2.8 Data analysis plan
Data analysis refers to the examining what has been collected in a survey or experiment and making deductions and inferences. It involves uncovering underlying structure; extracting important variables, detecting any anomalies and testing any underlying assumption. It involves scrutinizing the acquired information and making inferences (Kombo, 2006). The qualitative data analysis will be used because it involves intensive data collection over an extended period of time in a natural setting. Qualitative data such as finding out the views of respondents on a certain issue is not always computable by arithmetic relation. This approach will use semi structured interviews, questionnaire, observation and documentary reviews. All these will be convenient in this process.
Ary, D., Jacobs, L.C and Razavieh, A (1996), Introduction to Research in Education (5th ed), New York: Hult Rinehart and Winston, Inc.
Best, J. W and Kahn, J.V (2006), Research in Education (10th ed.), New York: Pearson Education Inc.
Katunzi, M.N (2003), Complementary Basic Education Project in Tanzania (COBET) Tanzania Institute of Education
Kothari, C.R (1985), Research Methodology and Techniques, New Delhi:
UNICEF, (2003), The state of the World’s children 2004: Girls Education and development, New York. UNICEF
UNICEF, (2006). Complementary Basic Education in Tanzania (COBET) evaluation of the pilot Project. Dar es Salaam: UNICEF
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