What is research: Types, Objectives and Characteristics (Notes)
- Simply research is a search for knowledge
- A careful inquiry for new facts intending to obtain answers of particular questions about a phenomena or events through the application of scientific procedures.
Kothari (2004) holds that Research is a systematic and scientific search for information on specific topic.
He also views as an art of searching information involving procedures.
Educational research; it's the application of scientific research methods and processes and procedures in solving educational problems in educational field.
Gall et. al (2005) define educational research as a systematic collection and analysis of data in order to get valid description and generalization interventions in education.
Generally, Research is the way of explaining and predicting a phenomena which is helpful to make changes and rearrangements.
Characteristics of Research
i. Research is systematic has to follow structured rules and principles or procedures
ii. Research is logical employs a system that needs reasoning i.e. why this and not that?
iii. It is empirical relies on empirical evidence may be after observation. e.g. Observed data
iv. Research demands accuracy and description precise and accurate data are needed.
v. Research is replicable and transferable that can be repeated through being done by other people or other places i.e. it can be recollected or replicated by reviewing other research findings.
vi. Research is directed towards the solution, that is, done in order to answer questions or finding the relationship between variables.
vii. Research is generative - that is, it generates other researches for other people to do.
viii. Emphasizes on making generalization, developing principles and establishment of theories.
ix. Research forecast future events-predicts future occasions
Objectives or purpose of research
To find answers to hidden questions which are not yet known to solve problems
To gain deeper understanding of a phenomena
Enables to achieve new insights
Provides help to describe features of an individual e.g. accurate characteristics of a person
To determine the frequency with which something is happening, to what extent the phenomena occurs.
To test hypothesis to obtain casual relationship of a phenomena.
To achieve interventions of various programs.
Significance of research (Rationale)
To have basic knowledge about research
It is part of developing careers i.e. Doctors, teachers, counselors etc. wishing to be consultants
Research inculcates us with the ability to evaluate other researches or findings and use the info. Collected to solve existing problems.
Enables us to make intellectual decisions in solving existing problems in the society.
It instills thinking makes one to reason and promote logical thinking (inspires thinking)
Is a basis for planning solution on social problems eg. Budgeting etc.
Used for policy making and decisions by policy makers
Generates new ideas, facts and knowledge
May develop new theories and principles which guides day to day life styles
Types of Research
There are different ways of classifying research
- Basing on purpose
- Basing on nature
- Basing on time
- Basing on Approach
Basing on purpose
Basic, pure or fundamental research, its purpose is to formulate theories or make contribution to existing body of knowledge
Applied research an immediate and practical solution applied to solve the problem.
NB: Basic and Applied types are the primary research types
Basing on Approach
Quantitative research deals with quantification of information. In terms of numbers and it uses objective measurement and numerical measurement.
Qualitative research-uses words to explain the phenomena i.e. Deals with hypothesizing unlike quantitative by which hypothesis is generated at the end.
It doesn't use numerical measurement but description
Quantitative categories
Experimental quantitative involves control of variables
Non experimental quantitative there is no control of variables, relation ship is maintained
Basing on nature
Descriptive research - descriptions
Analytical research - analysis
Basing on time
Cross sectional research looks variables once within a short period of time.
Longitudinal research carried over a long period of time covers a wider range of time
Types of research
Other types of research
Empirical research use evidences for data interpretation
Conceptual research concerns with abstract theories and concepts mostly used by philosophers
Used by experienced researchers.
Field searching research a researcher go to field or area collect information to a study area.
Laboratory research conducted in the laboratory it involve control of variables e.g. specimen.
Simulation research done when the respondents or informants you observe consider ethical to perform it
Clinical or diagnostic research is conducted for diagnostic purposes knowing the casual relationship of the existing phenomenon
Express the constructs on which a person wishes to find the relationship between them.
Variable is any thing which is subjected to change decreasing or increasing
Note: Any thing that cant be subjected to change is not a variable
A variable is any thing which is varied example age of students, different courses, rate of dropout, performance curve etc.
For example, students are of the same age but they have different characteristics
Examples of variables are weight, height, distance, teachers qualification - Degree, diploma, certificate etc.
Classification of variables
Categorical variables are those which its subjects are classified into groups. e.g. A level classes, Academic staff, School heads etc.
Continuous variables are those which the attributes have infinite number of ranges. Have wide number of ranges e.g. Distance when infinite
Independent variables are those which affect and influence another variables) e.g. height of a child is influenced by his or her age. Hence, age is an independent variable, influences height
Dependent variables are kinds of variables in which its effects shown depends depend on an independent variables. Those which are influenced by other variables eg. The height of a child is influenced by the age of that child. Hence, height is a dependent variable in research.
Research process
Activities involved in research process differ in accordance with the field or location. Sometimes may differ incase of the kind of research
- Quantitative
- Qualitative
a) Identification of research problem
Define a research problem planned or intended to be researched in a more detail and clearly.
It should be a question to answer or a statement
Should be from unknown aspects
b) Literature Review
Involves reading previous research studies done by others pertaining the same topic and problem
It help a new researcher to find skills of attempting such problem but in different ways.
c) Formulation of hypothesis
A tentative answers upon the selected problem. The assumptions, statement or expectation.
i. Null hypothesis, a statement which negates the phenomenon
ii. Alternative hypothesis, this positive form of statement of a problem
d) Identification of Variables
- Identifying variables that can be used in research process
- The variables should be labeled after being identified i.e. independent or dependent
e) Designing research study conceptually, designing a research structure which a researcher will follow (a way) in conducting his or her research i.e. design data collection techniques
- Selection of the design (way) to follow depends on the nature of the research eg. Available resources like money, participants or respondents, time and knowledge of a researcher like computer skills.
f) Selection of research methods
- These are data collection and analysis methods i.e. Questionnaire, observation, interview, focus group discussion
- Nature of research determines the selection of research method.
g) Development of research instruments
- Are questions in which a researcher will ask the respondents which will assist him or her to obtain appropriate information.
h) Data collection
- At field, a researcher is to collect information using different data collection methods. Though sometimes a researcher may post questionnaires to the field without going there.
i) Interpretation and analysis of information
- Careful analysis and interpretation of information according to the methods used.
- It is so, in order to get meaningful information about research conducted.
j) Report writing-the last and most important stage. A research writes a report ready to be published for knowledge acquisition.
Report writing
- A report involves; procedures followed in you research writings in past form and Put forward the research findings or information in the way that others may easily access.
Note. Research proposal is written in future tenses-what is expected before research has been done.
Research problem
Kothari (2004) defines research problem as difficult which a researcher experiences in the context of theoretical or practical situational and need to find solution.
- Research problem doesn't exist in the vacuum there should be people facing that problem and objectives that at end, one needs to attain those objectives.
Characteristics of research problem
Should be manageable in terms of time and money
Should be researchable
Should be of interest to the researcher
Should seek to bring originality
Sources of Research problem
Experience; experience of a difficult by a person may be a source of a research problem and the problem needs solutions. Hence a research study is employed. Eg. Experience from delay of Loans to higher education students.
Theory - one may draw research problem from assumptions. E.g. Child development theory of Bandura. As child interacts with environment his or her growth is affected
Literature review - reviewing what has been done by other researchers of the same problem, research problem can be drawn from that literary work by raising queries or doubts.
Practical or actual situation.
Policy change
Curriculum development.
Technological advancements.
Authority advise from expertise
How to select Research problem?
- Choose a particular field of experience
- Choose field of your interest
- Field selected should be familiar to a prospective researcher.
Selecting research problem
- Should logically be selected reasoning to be part of it.
- Narrow the selected problem to get very specific problems
- Should be researchable-should access easily the information from participants (respondents) i.e. Sexual practices info can't be easily obtained, you should select researchable problem
- Should be ethically appropriate - ethics is to be considered i.e. Methods of interviewing participants should be ethical, unethical questions should end to invalid info.
- Should be suitable to the researcher in terms of knowledge
- Should add knowledge or solve problems
- Should open up to new research, other area of searching
Format of research proposal
Mainly contains three main chapters
i. Chapter I - Introduction
ii. Chapter II - Literature Review
iii. Chapter III - Methodology
Before chapter I there is
- Preliminary information
> Title of the topic
> Name
> Course or program
> Table of content
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