The influence of English language as a medium of instructions to the academic performance in Tanzanian secondary schools

In this part of our study the following things are going to be discussed, background to the problem, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, specific objectives, Research questions or Hypothesis, and significance of the study.   


As early as before the 10th Century Swahili was spoken on the east coast of Africa. The German colonial interest began in the 1880s, by that time the Swahili language was wide spread. The German colonialist encouraged a further spread since they depended on Swahili for their administration. Even though German was taught as subject in schools, Swahili was medium of instruction. At the end of First World War the British took control of Tanganyika hence English became the official language of the country. English was introduced as a subject in third grade and then it became the medium of instruction after eight years in school Swahili was available as a subject throughout secondary schools.


Recently the use of English language as a medium of instruction in secondary schools has negative and positive impacts to the academic performance of the students. There must be strategies of solving the problem so as to avoid difficulties facing students and teachers in academic performance. After this research we will be able to know benefit and challenges facing the use of English as the medium of instruction.


- To understand the challenges which students facing in their studies through the use of English language as the medium of instruction

- To determine alternative language as a medium of instruction for Tanzanian secondary schools so as to improve the level of performance of the students.

- To collect or to get an opinion or views of the society on the influence of English language to the academic performance.

- To find the weaknesses and strengths of using English language in Tanzanian secondary schools


- What are the challenges which students are facing in their studies through using English language as the medium of instruction?

- What is the alternative language to be used as the medium of instruction for Tanzanian secondary schools?

- What are the opinions of the society on the influence of English language as the medium of instruction to the academic performance in secondary schools?

- What are the weaknesses and strengths of using English language in Tanzanian secondary schools?


The purpose of the research is to review and show the challenges facing students and teachers due to the use of English language as the medium of instruction in secondary schools.


This research will evaluate the strategies to be used in secondary schools so as to avoid the challenges that are caused by the use of English language as the medium of instruction.


In the previous selection we have analyzed the following: background of the problem, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, specific objectives, research Questions or hypothesis and the significant of the study,

Therefore here will clearly discuss the following theoretical framework of the study or conceptual, literature review and existing gap.


This study will be guided by the theory of Lev Vygostky’s which is interaction. He believed that knowledge is socially constructed that knowledge is built upon what participants contribute and construct together. Social interaction, cultural tools and activities shape individual development and learning. Vygostsky also believed that cultural tools including printing presses, rulers along with tools we would add today such as, computers, internet and symbolic tools such as numbers and mathematical systems, Braille and sign language, maps, works of arts, signs, codes and language play important role in cognitive domain. Vygostky emphasized that all higher order mental processes such as reasoning and problem solving are mediated by psychological tools such as language, signs and symbols. To him language is among of the key element for the children to acquire new knowledge especially the language which is familiar to them because language simplifies interaction during teaching and learning process. If the language is familiar to learners and teachers it will motivate the learners to posse questions to the area which are not clear in the process of teaching and learning. Therefore to him language is very important for effective teaching and learning.


According to Brock-Ume & Halla B (2005) in article called language policies and practices in Tanzania and South Africa, they argued that the appropriate academic performance in Tanzania secondary schools is due to the use of incorrect English language as a medium of instruction during teaching and learning. They made a certain survey to a certain school and they met only three teachers among 25 who were able to teach using English effectively. The remaining teachers were not able to teach through correct English. They said that in order to improve academic performance in Tanzanian Secondary schools, the process of teaching and teaching must via correct English. There must be elimination of incorrect English language used by the teacher to whom the students have been exposed from the time they began learning.

According to Roy-Campbell, Z.M. (1995) in the book titled Does Medium of Instruction Really Matter? The language Questions in Africa. The Tanzanian Experiences. Although Kiswahili is the native language of only 5% of population, it is spoken by at least 90% of the population, apart from Kiswahili and other tribe languages, Tanzania continue to use foreign language (English) as the major language of instruction. In education context especially for post primary schools (secondary schools) student have difficult in understanding English as the medium of instruction. The current situation make the students suffer because they do not understand what is being taught in the class. Therefore they insist that every material has to be interpreted in Kiswahili language so that the student could be able to understand what is being taught hence improving their performance.


Although scholars have tried to tell the issue of incorrect English language in teaching and learning as well as un awareness of English language to the Tanzanian secondary school students. There are other notions on how good performance can be achieved in most of Tanzanian secondary schools. For efficiency performance to occur in most of Tanzanian secondary schools, the students themselves should make an effort to study hard and take into account the question on how they can be fluent in English language for their performance in academic matters.


In this section of research methodology will involve the following parts; research design, location of the study, target population, simple size and sampling techniques, methods of data collection, data analysis and lastly will be references.


Research design is the plan showing the approach and strategies of investigation aimed at obtaining relevant data which fulfill the research objectives and test the hypothesis. (Kothari, 1990)

Kothari, (2004) define research design as the arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedures.

Generally; research design is the master plan or framework specifying the methods and procedures of collecting and analyzing data. Research design characterized by smallest error, minimal biased and maximum reliability and has power to detect relationship among variables.

In this research design, category which will be used is observation design. In this study participant and non-participant will be used in observing and collecting information or data from the respondents so as to get knowledge, attitude and opinion to obtain real information.


This study will be conducted in Dodoma municipality. The area is located in the central part of Dodoma region and has got many schools both private and government schools. Decision of selecting this location comes due to the massive failure of the ordinary level students in their subjects especially those subjects which are instructed or taught by English language like mathematics, history, English language,, biology with the exception of Kiswahili language. Also is simple to reach the location of the study with the good infrastructures.


This is the group of individuals or items from which samples are taken so as to be used in measurement. The population of our study or our targeted population is students who are the main concerns, teachers and the parents. We have selected this population because is very simple to reach them since the problems are originated and from which real information can be obtained. 


Sample is the group of respondents drawn from a population in which the researcher is interested to collect data or information from them and then draw conclusion. Sample size involves the number of the respondents in the group of an individual in the specified population size. The sample of our study will be sixty (60) respondents categorized or grouped as follows; Fourteen students from form one up to form four, ten teachers and ten parents, this will be at Dodoma municipality.


Sampling techniques are the procedures the researcher adopts in selecting the sample. Sampling techniques has been divided into two types which are probability sampling and non-probability sampling.

In our study the method which will be used is non-probability sampling. This method is not giving specified values to the selection probability. In non-probability there is no assumption that all members of the population are equivalent data sources between the selected ones are believed to be information rich cases. In this probability selection of some members of the population are unknown. 

According to the nature of the study, accidental sampling will be used since sampling units are spatially distributed and also respondents might reject the questions. So in this circumstance with the nature of the study, hence accidental sampling should be done.


This part shows different ways through which data will be collected from the targeted population. The methods which will be used in our study are primary methods which include interview, questionnaire and observation so as to meet the objectives. 


This is the research techniques of collecting data which involves the accurate looking, watching, listening and recording behaviors characteristics of the respondents. This method has two types which are participants and non-participants observation.

Participants observation; this is the technique whereby an observer being an active member of the group while non-participant observation is the technique of collecting data through observation whereby observer is staying away from group member.

In our study both types of observation methods or techniques of collecting data will be used in collecting information so as to accomplish the work.


This is the set of questions prepared or written by the researcher to the respondents so as to attempts them. 

In our study questionnaire will be selected in collecting information from the teachers, students and parents. Questionnaire has two types which are open ended and closed ended questionnaire. Open ended questionnaire is the kind of questionnaire whereby the researcher prepare or write set of questions which will give the respondents wide chance of giving out answers according to their knowledge. Closed ended questionnaire is the one which give out questions whereby the respondents choose one of the answers from the determined questions; this means the respondent has a limited chance to answer the question since is having option answers which should be only one answer chosen.


Interview will be used in interviewing students, teachers and parents in order to obtain information patterning to the research objectives.


This chapter presents or show the intended methods that will be used in sorting and arranging the data or findings obtained from the sample selected. It will explain the main reasons on how English language influences the academic performance in secondary school within Dodoma municipality. Because the research is mostly based on qualitative and descriptive type of research hence it will not rely on measurement of numbers rather than, it will explain and analyse the quality and weaknesses of the English language over academic performance in most secondary school in Dodoma municipality according to the data collected from the sample. Whereas this is situational analysis based on descriptive research 


Brigit Brock-Utne & Hall B. (2005). Language policies and practices in Tanzania and South Africa Problem and challenge. Dar es Salaam: Haki Elimu Working papers.

Kothari, C. R. (1990).Research Methodology: Methods and techniques. New Delhi Willey Eastern.

Kothari, C.R. (2004). Research Methodology: Methods and techniques, (2nd ed). New Delhi: New age international Publishers.   

Roy-Campbell, Z.M. (1995). Does Medium of Instruction Really Matter? , The language Question in Africa: The Tanzanian Experience. Dar-es Salaam: University of  Dar es Salaam Press.

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